The Australian Taxation Office has announced its targets for 2011/12. This summary relates to the Taxation Office's indicated targets for individuals, micro-businesses (turnover up to $2M), small/medium enterprises (turnover $2M to $250M). The key areas that the ATO are closely examining are:
If you have any concerns on any aspects of your taxation affairs, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Whether you agree with the carbon tax or not, the reality is that the government has said it will commence in one year's time... in fact, only 10.1/2 months time now, so all small/medium enterprises need to get ready for it.
It will be a good idea to review your costs of operation to isolate the items which might increase because of a carbon tax. These will primarily relate to fuel prices and electricity, but in some instances, could be affecting other cost inputs for your business.
There may be an opportunity for you to change your fuel/electricity usage so as to reduce costs in this area.
The government is very confident that it can pass the legislation to commence from the 1st July 2012, so now is the time to review all of your operations to see what the extra cost inputs might be and to determine whether you're able to offset those costs by other cost reductions or will you be able to pass on the extra costs to your customers.
There are a nubmer of tax changes that apply to families from 01 July 2011